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The research and project institute "Gradoagroecoprom"
on behalf of "The association of the greenhouses of the future Russia"
executes for organizations and private persons:

  • Realization of intensive energysaving technologies of a propagation a method of multistoried narrowshelving hydroponics;
  • Building of effective, competitive non-polluting manufacture of safe vegetable production;
  • Building for regions of the Far North special high-performance energysaving phylums of greenhouses;
  • Formation and regulation of the innovative markets of technologies, the engineering systems, enclosuring designs, power, financial and personnel resources.
  • Progression on world markets of production of branch of a sheltered ground of Russia;
  • Engaging of investments (including and foreign) in branch of a sheltered ground of Russia;
  • Maintenance of legal regulation of activity of a sheltered ground of Russia;
  • Rendering of assistance in the solution of questions of tuning up of effective communications with the interested ministries and departments, foreign partners, industrial and scientific organizations;
  • Development of normative documents of regional and federal programs;
  • Rendering of assistance to members of association in development and the coordination of designs of large building areas on complete import the equipment;
  • Assistance in financing reconstruction and new construction;
  • Assumption of the authorities transmitted by members of associations in administrative sphere: search of customers, contractors, experts;
  • Performance on behalf of members of association and the agreement or spore under the limited authority and the separate agreement;
  • Rendering of assistance of a logistics of members of association by an industrial goods, ýêñïëóòàöèîííûìè materials, mechanical aids and automation of productions, organization and operation of objects;
  • Maintenance of members of association by high-performance Russian technologies;
  • Organization and realization of branch meetings and investment exhibitions, measures on improvement of professional skill of experts;
  • Rendering of assistance to members of association in building wholesale and firm trade;
  • Propagation of a product quality of members of association and strengthening of reputation of sires - members of association.

302001, Russian Federation, Orel, board service 73
Tel. (4862) 45-17-21, (4862) 45-19-48, (4862) 74-71-10
Fax (4862) 45-17-21, (4862) 45-19-48
E-mail:,,, ,