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The research and project institute "Gradoagroecoprom"
on behalf of "The centre of cross education of doctors of sciences"
carries out educational activity:

  • Development of techniques of cross education as means of spiritual and physical rejuvenation;
  • Development of educational standards of cross education of doctors of sciences;
  • Development of educational standards for joint developments of a science and technique;
  • Development of educational standards for retraining doctors in adjacent trades (to skill to be butted on a new scientific field);
  • Development of the Federal purpose-oriented programme on cross education of doctors of sciences of the Russian Federation (14 standards);
  • Development of the methodology of education{learning} on cross spheres of the following sciences (from 2 up to 13):
  • technical
  • physical and mathematical
  • biological
  • chemical
  • agricultural
  • economic
  • legal
  • sociological
  • philological
  • historical
  • art criticism
  • pedagogical
  • medical
  • Education and retraining of doctors of sciences on the techniques built by "The centre of cross education of doctors of sciences";
  • Building of techniques and normative - legal acts of joint designing and construction by doctors of sciences of objects of a national economy of the Russian Federation.
  • Development on the basis the Centre of "Institute of increase of efficacyy of interaction of doctors of sciences of the Russian Federation" with a complex of training standards, programs, rates, the pedagogical literature;
  • Development of educational standards of increase of efficacyy of interaction of candidates of sciences with the purpose of an acceleration of preparation of theses for a doctor's degree and the dense filling of a scientific field in general system of sciences.

"Study - you are pullet, instead of study - you with a beard!"



302001, Russian Federation, Orel, board service 73
Tel. (4862) 45-17-21, (4862) 45-19-48, (4862) 74-71-10
Fax (4862) 45-17-21, (4862) 45-19-48
E-mail: patent@valley.ru, sharupich@orel.ru, patent48@mail.ru

HTTP:www.sharupich.ru, ,